Frequent Asked Questions


On Paper Submission

#1 Download template

Q: Where can I get the template?

A: You can download it from Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings. See Detailed Instructions to Authors for more detail.

#2 LaTeX template

Q: There are two paper templates for LaTeX: bare_conf.tex and bare_conf_compsoc.tex. Which should I use?

A: Use bare_conf.tex.

#3 Modification of submission by the organizers before review

Q: Do the organizers conceal the information about the authors, e.g., the names of the authors and acknowledgment, from the submission before review?

A: No, the submitted manuscripts are reviewed in "as is".

#4 Time zone for the submission dues

Q: Which time zone is applied to the submission dues?

A: UTC-08:00.

#5 Space of author information (names, organizations, addresses, and emails)

Q: According to the instruction, the authors should hide the information of the authors in the manuscript. What should the authors put in the space of the author information?

A: The authors may put in the space "Anonymous ICDAR submission", "Anonymized for review", or something similar. The authors also may leave it blank.

On Student Travel Awards

See here.

On Registration

#1 Required registration type to publish a workshop paper

Q: Which registration type is required for at least an author to perform, ICDAR Passport or Pre-Event Pass?

A: Pre-Event Pass is enough if the author attends only to pre-events (workshops and tutorials). If the author attends also to the main conference, ICDAR Passport is required.

#2 About ICDAR Passport

Q: Does the ICDAR passport cover workshops?

A: Yes, ICDAR passport allows the registrant to attend every events related to ICDAR2017 (inc. workshops and tutorials) without additional cost.