# IAPR TC-11 (Reading Systems) Newsletter ## February, 2020 **Online, phone-friendly version:** [February 2020 Newsletter](http://www.iapr-tc11.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=IAPR_TC11_Newsletter_2020_02) **TC-11:** [TC-11 Homepage](http://www.iapr-tc11.org)    **Twitter:** [iapr_tc11](https://twitter.com/iapr_tc11) ### TABLE OF CONTENTS - Message from the Editor - Dates and Deadlines - Deadlines - Upcoming Conferences and Events - Conferences - ICFHR 2020: Call for Papers - ICPR 2020: Call for Papers - CVPR 2020 Workshop on Text and Documents in the Deep Learning Era: Call for Papers - Datasets - TC11 Datasets Repository *(repost)* - Careers - Student Industrial Internship Opportunities (IAPR) *(repost)* Message from the Editor ======================= There are plenty of opportunities in March to submit original research on theory and applications of reading systems. First, the deadline of [ICFHR 2020](http://icfhr2020.org) has been extended. Abstract submission is open until *March 8th* and full paper submission until *March 15th*. Secondly, the paper submission deadline for [ICPR 2020](https://www.micc.unifi.it/icpr2020/) is on *March 18th*. Track 4 is concerned with Document and Media Analysis. Finally, there is a [Workshop on Text and Documents in the Deep Learning Era](https://cvpr2020text.wordpress.com) at CVPR 2020. The deadline for submitting papers is on *March 20th*. The workshop features a challenge on Document Visual Question Answering, whose training set will become available on *March 13th*. **Andreas Fischer, TC11 Communications Officer** ( ) **Join us!** If you are not already a member of the TC11 community, please consider joining the [TC11 mailing list](https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=iapr-tc11&A=1). **Follow us on Twitter (iapr\_tc11):** Dates and Deadlines =================== Deadlines --------- **2020** - **March 8**: Abstract submission [ICFHR 2020](http://icfhr2020.org) - **March 18**: Paper submission [ICPR 2020](https://www.micc.unifi.it/icpr2020/) - **March 20**: Paper submission [CVPR 2020 Workshop on Text and Documents in the Deep Learning Era](https://cvpr2020text.wordpress.com) Upcoming Conferences and Events ------------------------------- **2020** - [ICPRAI 2020](https://users.encs.concordia.ca/~icprai20). Zhongshan, China (May 12-15, 2020) - [DAS 2020](http://www.vlrlab.net/das2020/). TBD (May 17-20, 2020) - [CVPR2020 Workshop on Text and Documents in the Deep Learning Era](https://cvpr2020text.wordpress.com). Seattle, Washington (June 15) - [ICFHR 2020](http://www.icfhr2020.org). Dortmund, Germany (September 8-10, 2020) - [ICPR 2020](https://www.micc.unifi.it/icpr2020/). Milan, Italy (September 13-18) **2021 and Later** - [ICDAR 2021](https://icdar2021.org). Lausanne, Switzerland (September 5-10, 2021) - **ICFHR 2022**. Hyderabad, India (December, 2022) Conferences =========== ICFHR 2020: Call for Papers --------------------------- **The 17th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition** *September 7-10, 2020 - Dortmund, Germany* Web page: Contact: *Submission Deadlines Extended!* **Important Dates** Mar 08 Abstract Submission (extended!) Mar 15 Full Paper Submission (extended!) Jun 08 Author Notifications Jul 12 Camera-Ready Papers Due Sep 07 ICFHR Tutorials Sep 08-10 ICFHR Main Conference **Keynotes** *Thomas Deselaers* (Google Research, Zurich, Switzerland): Online Handwriting Recognition and Beyond *Alicia Fornés* (Computer Vision Center, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): Recognition of handwritten textual and graphical documents in the deep learning era. *Daniel Stoekl Ben Ezra* (EPHE, PSL, Paris, France): Computational Document Analysis: New and Open Questions from a Pragmatic Perspective **Call for Papers** The International Conference on Frontiers of Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR) is the premier scientific venue in the field of handwriting recognition. This conference brings together international experts from academia and industry to share their experiences and to promote research and development in all aspects of handwriting recognition and applications. **Topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to:** - Handwriting Recognition - Cursive Script Recognition - Symbol, Equation, Sketch and Drawing Recognition - Word Spotting - Handwritten Document Image Processing - Layout Analysis and Understanding - Language Models in Handwriting Recognition - Web-Based Applications - Handwritten Databases and Digital Libraries - Information Extraction & Retrieval - Form Processing - Bank-Check Processing - Historical Document Processing - Forensic Studies and Security Issues - Writer Verification and Identification - Performance Enhancement and System Evaluation - Electronic Ink and Pen-Based Systems - Other Offline and Online Applications Authors are invited to submit full-length papers of not more than six (6) pages. Papers must describe original work. Paper reviews will be double blind. Instructions for paper submission will be available on the ICFHR 2020 web site (). *Proceedings with accepted papers will be published by the IEEE Computer Society's Conference Publishing Service (CPS).* **Gernot A. Fink and Lambert Schomaker, ICFHR 2020 General Chairs** ( ) PDF Version of the 1st Call for Papers: [ICFHR2020-4th-CfP.pdf](http://icfhr2020.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/ICFHR2020-4th-CfP.pdf) ICPR 2020: Call for Papers -------------------------- **The 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition** *September 13-18, 2020 - Milan, Italy* Web page: **Important Dates** Mar 18 Paper submission deadline Jun 01 Final decision to authors Jun 15 Camera ready for proceedings **Call for Papers** **ICPR 2020** is the premier world conference in **Pattern Recognition**. It covers both theoretical issues and applications of the discipline. We solicit original research for publication in the main conference. **Topics** of interest include all aspects of Pattern Recognition, not limited to the following **detailed list**: **Track 1: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning for Pattern Analysis** - statistical, syntactic and structural pattern recognition - classification and clustering - artificial neural networks architectures and models - machine learning:  symbolic learning, deep learning, transfer learning, active and ensemble learning, semi-supervised learning and spectral methods, reinforcement learning and temporal models **Track 2: Biometrics, Human Analysis and Behavior Understanding Biometric systems and forensics applications:** - hard biometrics: face, iris, gait, fingerprint, speech-based recognition - soft biometrics: skin, hair, facial and body measurements, behavior, facial expression-based recognition - multi-biometrics - closed set, open set, open world identity recognition - gesture, action and event recognition and tracking - human computer interaction: human body motion and gesture-based interaction, speech and natural language-based interaction - affective computing - pattern recognition for surveillance and security **Track 3: Computer Vision, Robotics and Intelligent Systems** - early and low-level vision - physics-based vision and perceptual organization - stereo and multiple view geometry, 3D shape recovery - 2D/3D object detection and recognition - motion, tracking and video analysis - deformable object tracking and registration - object recognition and manipulation - image and video analysis and understanding - vision for autonomous driving - vision for robotics, robot navigation and SLAM **Track 4: Document and Media Analysis** - audio and acoustic processing and analysis - spoken language processing - character and text recognition - handwriting recognition - document understanding - content based image retrieval and data mining - multimedia analysis - visual question and answering - multimedia applications of pattern recognition - media analysis for augmented and virtual reality - multimodal fusion **Track 5: Image and Signal Processing** - sensor array & multichannel signal processing - enhancement, restoration and filtering - segmentation, features and descriptors - coding, compression and super-resolution - automatic speech and speaker recognition - medical image and signal analysis - biological image and signal analysis - volumetric image analysis - brain-computer interfaces **Guidelines for submitting contributions** Submissions should be made to the appropriate Conference tracks. All papers will be peer reviewed single-blind. The accepted papers will be published by IEEE and will be available in the IEEExplore.  Submissions should be 6 pages minimum, 8 pages maximum including references (IEEE format). [Guidelines for submission](https://www.micc.unifi.it/icpr2020/index.php/guidelines-for-submission/) and camera ready format are available on the website. **Papers Submission** **Submission Wizard** for the ICPR 2020 is available on PaperCept Conference Management System [HERE](https://iapr.papercept.net/conferences/scripts/start.pl) **Contacts** *ICPR-2020 Program Chairs* - Prof. Kim Boyer (Univ. of Albany, USA) - Prof. Nicu Sebe (Univ. of Trento, Italy) - Prof. Brian Lovell (Univ. of Queensland, Australia) - Prof. Marcello Pelillo (Caí Foscari Univ., Italy) - Prof. Rene Vidal (Johns Hopkins Univ., USA) - Prof. Jingyi Yu (Shanghai Tech, China) CVPR 2020 Workshop on Text and Documents in the Deep Learning Era: Call for Papers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *June 15, 2020 - Seattle, Washington* Web page: Contact: **Important Dates** Mar 20 Paper Submission Deadline Apr 10 Notification to Authors Apr 17 Workshop Camera Ready Due Submission Site: **Challenge Dates** Mar 13 Training Set Available Apr 15 Test Set Available Apr 30 Submission of Results Challenge Site: **Overview** Understanding written communication through vision is a key aspect of human civilization, and should also be an important capacity of intelligent agents aspiring to function in man-made environments. As such, the analysis of written communication in images has been one of the oldest fields in computer vision. There are two major application domains for such methods: document understanding and scene text understanding. Document understanding goes over and above OCR, requiring layout analysis, handwritten text recognition, symbolic language interpretation etc., on anything from administrative and historical documents to mixed-type documents such as maps and diagrams. Understanding text in the wild, on the other hand, has already enabled applications such as image-based translation or autonomous navigation. In both cases, dealing with such high-level semantic content requires specific treatment that often departs from other areas in computer vision. While work on such problems has been carried out for many years, with synergies between document understanding and computer vision domains, reaching the high accuracy required for many applications is still a practical challenge. The cross-fertilization between techniques used for computer vision and document understanding has led to some of the recent advances in both fields. CNNs were first developed for recognizing characters in MNIST and have now revolutionized computer vision. Similarly, RNNs were first used in areas such as handwriting and speech recognition and are now an important part of the toolbox for computer vision. On the other hand, advances in deep learning made in areas such as object recognition are now critical to improving the state of the art in both document understanding and scene text recognition. The goal of this workshop is to raise awareness about the aforementioned topics in the broader computer vision community, as well as drive a new wave of progress by cross pollinating more ideas between text/documents and mainstream computer vision. This workshop will comprise of the following: - Invited and peer reviewed papers related to the call for papers below - Keynote addresses by top researchers in the field - A challenge on Document VQA aiming to advance state of the art in text and documents **Call for Papers** The topics of interest for the workshop include but are not limited to the following: - Document structure and layout learning - Document modeling, and representations - Cleansing and image enhancement techniques for scanned documents - Semantic understanding of scene OR document content - Table identification and extraction from business documents - Multi-lingual scene text and document understanding - Character and text recognition - Scene text detection and recognition - Scene text Visual Question Answering - Document Visual Question Answering - Scene text detection and recognition - Visual document retrieval - Handwriting recognition - Online Handwriting recognition - Signature detection and verification - Graphics recognition - Applications of document analysis - Document simulation and synthesis **Paper Submissions** We are soliciting submissions of full length papers in PDF format, following CVPR 2020 submission guidelines. All submissions will be handled electronically via the workshop's CMT Website. Papers are limited to eight pages, including figures and tables, in the CVPR style. Additional pages containing only cited references are allowed. Please refer to the following files (same as the CVPR 2020 main conference format) for detailed formatting instructions: - Example submission paper with detailed instructions () - LaTeX/Word Templates (tar) () - LaTeX/Word Templates (zip) () Papers that are not properly anonymized, or do not use the template, or have more than eight pages (excluding references) will be rejected without review. Submission Site: **Contact** Email: Datasets ======== TC11 Datasets Repository *(repost)* ----------------------------------- TC11 maintains a collection of datasets that can be found online in the [TC11 Datasets Repository](http://www.iapr-tc11.org/mediawiki/index.php/Datasets). If you have new datasets (e.g., from competitions) that you wish to share with the research community, please use the [online upload form](http://tc11.cvc.uab.es/upload/). For questions and support, please contact the TC11 Dataset Curator (contact information is below). **Joseph Chazalon (TC11 Dataset Curator)** ( ) Careers ======= Student Industrial Internship Opportunities (IAPR) *(repost)* ------------------------------------------------------------- [IAPR's Industrial Liaison Committee](http://www.iapr.org/committees/committees.php?id=5&subid=53) is pleased to announce the opening of its Company Internship Brokerage List. The web page lists internship opportunities for students at different levels of education and specialism. We expect many additional internship opportunities to be listed here as the community becomes more aware of the site. IAPR Company Internship Brokerage List: **Bob Fisher, Chair, IAPR Industrial Liason Committee** ( ) Contributions and Subscriptions ================================== **Call for Contributions:** To contribute news items, please send a short email to the editor, [Andreas Fischer](mailto:andreas.fischer@hefr.ch). Contributions might include conference and workshop announcements or reports, career opportunities, book reviews, or anything else of interest to the TC11 community. **Subscription:** This newsletter is sent to subscribers of the IAPR TC11 mailing list. To join the TC11 mailing list, please click on [this link](https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=iapr-tc11&A=1). To manage your subscription, please visit the [mailing list homepage](https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=IAPR-TC11). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IAPR TC11 HOMEPAGE: [http://www.iapr-tc11.org](http://www.iapr-tc11.org) The IAPR is the International Association for Pattern Recognition. IAPR's Technical Committee No. 11 (TC11) includes researchers and practitioners working with Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and more generally the analysis and recognition of information in documents.