Call for Competitions

ICFHR 2010

Kolkata, INDIA

November 16-18, 2010


The ICFHR 2010 Organizing Committee invites proposals for competitions to be held in the framework of the Conference. Competitions should aim at evaluating the performance of algorithms and methods for a particular task of Handwriting Recognition.


Proposals should be submitted by e-mail to the Competitions Chairs, Volker Maergner, Michael Blumenstein, and Haikal El Abed (ICFHR2010-CompetitionsChairs), no later than March 1st, 2010. Proposals should include:



The competitions may run before or during ICFHR. In either case, a report on each competition will be published in the conference proceedings and the results will be announced during a particular session of the conference. The deadline for submitting the competition reports will be June 10th, 2010.


Important Dates:


Competition Chairs: